Careful of the shell game



As a charter member of the United Nations, our government promised that we would take global conflicts to the Security Council to be resolved. Our Constitution’s Article I, Section 8 states that only Congress authorizes war. But despite all the rules and laws, last Thursday, our president illegally and casually bombed a sovereign nation. We even have a picture of the president’s “war room” at his resort, Mar-a-Lago. In this picture (which is reminiscent of Obama’s Bin Laden picture) he is surrounded by his Secretaries of Education, Treasury, Commerce, State, NSA advisor along with his son-in-law and his chief strategist, Steve Bannon; however, not a single military general was in the room.

While the 59 Tomahawk missiles did little damage to the Syrian airbase after the Russians were informed of the impending attack; it was mission accomplished because those “beautiful bombs” deflected from the incessant questions of his collusion with Russia to steal the presidency. Those headlines have dropped off every news outlet in the country. Congratulations Donald Trump! That ploy only cost us taxpayers tens of millions of dollars while Trump made money off his Raytheon stock!

If the Syrian bombing isn’t enough to erase the concerns of treason from your mind, Trump is now moving ships to the Korean Peninsula to set up another war; again, without consent from the UN or Congress. This one could be a real disaster as China has stated aggression against North Korea is aggression against China.

This kabuki theater of a presidency is literally costing us taxpaying citizens billions of dollars. $60 million for bombs here, $8 million for security for Secretary of Education there, and of course the Trump Family needs are great: $60 million for Melania to live in New York, $156 million for Donald to golf (15 times in the past 11 weeks.) And of course, the boys have travel expenses, too.

But don’t worry, the Republicons have a plan to pay for this debacle. That plan is to starve children and old people, and shut down libraries all while allowing corporations to destroy the planet for the highest profit.

And all this in 80 days on the job. Good luck to us all.

Sheri Hanson