CAPC promotes one, hires one


Tourism Director Madison Dawson told commissioners at the Sept. 8 City Advertising and Promotion meeting that she did not see a need for a full time Auditorium Manager until the pandemic ends. As an alternative, she suggested that the commission, which since last year has taken the role of hiring CAPC employees, promote intern Molly Horton to the full-time position as Auditorium Operation and Marketing Manager.

The job description would mean her time would be split between operation of the Aud, a role that Chair Jeff Carter pointed out Horton was already participating in, and the second half of the split maintaining in-house marketing campaigns.

During the workshop preceding the meeting, Scott Bardin who currently sits on the Parks Commission, gave a brief description of his experience in government finance. Bardin was seeking the position of Finance Director on a part-time and temporary basis until the CAPC hires a full-time director, as Rick Bright is retiring.

Commissioners held two executive sessions to confirm both hires to their positions with unanimous approval with Carter acting as the fourth vote in each motion. Commissioners Bobbie Foster and James DeVito were not present for the workshop or the meeting.

In-house marketing approved

During the CAPC’s August meeting, Paradise Marketing presented a $125,000 plan for the fourth quarter at the commission’s request, as there are surplus funds earned through 2021. The commission did not approve that plan and Dawson presented an alternative marketing plan that received approval.

The plan encompasses an expenditure of $63,500 and would mark the first new in-house marketing campaign in more than a year. Marketing will be regionally based with money being used for social media advertising in all months of the 4th quarter, and local radio and TV advertising in December. Dawson said the plan coincides with Horton being hired full time. Dawson also said that she would purchase pictures from local photographers for social media advertising. Marketing would advertise events during said months and Dawson intends to work closely with Heart of Eureka.

The commission approved the marketing plan unanimously with Melissa Greene making the motion and Harry Meyer seconding.

Other Items

  • Commissioners decided to give notice the CAPC will be vacating their office at The Quarter by the first of December, intending to use the Auditorium as offices. Both Dawson and Horton already have their offices in the Aud.
  • Eureka Springs Arts Council was approved to receive another $20,000 for art installations that are part of their festival of the arts. There will be a workshop to handle how money in the budget will reallocated.