CAPC prepping for Aud shows


Commissioners took time to speak about Auditorium staff during their Aug. 25 City Advertising and Promotion meeting, with Aud Manager being the main topic. Commissioner Carol Wright questioned whether the position would be full or part-time, and hourly wage or contract labor. She said she didn’t see a need for a full-time position.

“If you read this job description there’s a lot in it,” commissioner Harry Meyer countered.

Commissioner James DeVito mentioned that there was a member of the audience who has worked in the Aud for 20 years and was imminently qualified to be on payroll, referencing Sarai Aleshire. DeVito motioned to have her put back on staff after being on layoff status. Commissioner Melissa Greene seconded. Aleshire would return as front house manager.

Wright asked Aleshire how her hours were set, and Aleshire said there was no one who set her hours. “I do prep work before a show, I work during a show, and I work after a show cleaning up,” she said.

Added to the motion was that she would return with the past pay of $15 an hour. Aleshire asked if a raise would be forthcoming, and DeVito gave an affirmative, although the amount will be discussed at a later date.

The motion to re-hire Aleshire passed unanimously.

Voices of the Silent City receives extra support

The Historic Museum requested marketing support from the CAPC for Voices of the Silent City in total of $5,000. Greene and commissioner Bobbie Foster first and seconded to approve the marketing support. Last year the museum requested $2,000, but the event was cancelled due to Covid. DeVito questioned why this year’s request was for $3,000 more.

Wright said that the museum needed more money for transportation costs since the Victoria Inn, where passengers in the past would board buses and be driven to the cemetery, is currentlya construction zone.

Finance Directory Rick Bright said that more money was needed to get word out of the event happening since it did not happen in 2020. The marketing support passed unanimously.

Other Items

  • With the resignation of Greg Moon, commissioners moved to nominate Patrick Burnett back to Position 3, and that passed unanimously. The nomination will be sent to City Council.
  • Bright is retiring and commissioners will begin searching for a new finance director. Chair Jeff Carter threw out the possibility of hiring Scott Bardin, who sits on the Parks Commission, as an intern. Hiring a financial firm was also floated but will be discussed at the next workshop on Sept. 8.
  • The workshop and meeting were the first for the new Tourism Director Madison Dawson.

            The CAPC’s next workshop will be Wednesday, Sept. 8 at 5 p.m. with a meeting f