CAPC lawsuit on hold


In the case of Tracy Johnson, et al. vs. Carol Wright, et al., evidence will wait for another day. Attorney Tim Parker is representing former City Advertising and Promotion Commission Events Coordinator Tracy Johnson, former Interim Director Gina Rambo, former Group Sales Coordinator Karen Pryor, former Finance Director Rick Bright, and former commissioner Greg Moon in a lawsuit seeking millions in damages and attorneys’ fees, as well as seeking to have CAPC personnel files and city records cleansed for mention of those individuals.

Plaintiffs are suing Mayor Butch Berry, Patrick Burnett, Jeff Carter, James DeVito, Lacey Ekberg, Melissa Greene, Harry Meyer, Kim Stryker, and Carol White who are represented by Susan Kendall and Thomas Kieklak. The plaintiffs have both a federal and the civil case ongoing, as Parker asked for insurance information on all defendants and is seeking both intentional tort and negligence damages.

The actual details of the case were not shared in any way beyond these bare details. Defense lawyer Kendall asked for a stay on the case until Judge Timothy Brooks, who is presiding over the federal case, reaches a decision. Kendall asked special Judge Randall Wright to stay the case and sustain discovery until Judge Brooks reached a verdict as it would directly impact the charges from which she would be defending her clients.

Against Parker’s arguments, Judge Wright granted a 60-day stay or until Judge Brooks’ decision, depending on if it comes earlier. He asked Kendall to contact him in 45 days to give him an update. No other evidence or arguments were heard or will be heard for possibly the next 60 days.

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