CAPC denies $22K for Aud elevator


Commissioner Terry McClung told other CAPC commissioners at last Wednesday’s CAPC meeting the city is working on a grant for remodeling the basement of the Auditorium for public meetings and group events. Currently public meetings are held in the Aud lobby with a series of steps leading to a hall that has poor sound and limited space for seating, and the basement is going unused.  McClung stated the projected cost is $132,346, which will include adding an elevator for public accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

A cost estimate for the ADA modifications and remodel highlighted the expenses of demolition, concrete work, doors, walls, plumbing, HVAC systems, electrical and ADA conveying equipment of $65,000 for the elevator equipment and installation. McClung said the city will be contributing $50,000 and the grant request is $60,000, leaving a balance of $22,346 for the CAPC contribution. 

McClung, who is also a city alderman, said Mayor Butch Berry is requesting a vote that will confirm CAPC support.  “I don’t see how we could say no,” McClung said.  “I think it is an important investment for the CAPC.” 

Commissioner Bobbie Foster said she was happy to see that the city is applying for a grant, but  “I don’t see why there would be a rush for the CAPC to throw in money at this point. I am happy that we’re doing something with the basement of the Auditorium. I still don’t believe we need an elevator, and I think to spend $22,000 of the tax collectors’ money on an elevator would be erroneous on our part. That is just my opinion.” 

Commissioner James DeVito expressed support of using the unused space, but said, “I am concerned as to the lack of a blueprint… I would hate to see a bunch of rooms down there as opposed to movable walls to open it up to one large space.” 

Commissioner and city alderman Susan Harman said she would like to see the city sell the property on Norris St. to help pay for this project. 

“I think the commitment is critical for us to go ahead and approve,” McClung reiterated. He said he thinks this is one of the best things that has happened to the Aud in a long time and wants to put the basement, with several thousand square feet, into usable service. 

McClung then made a motion to approve the Mayor’s request of CAPC support of $22,346.  DeVito was in support, but the motion failed with Foster, Harman and Greg Moon opposing. Finance Director Rick Bright suggested the CAPC at least write a letter showing support of the grant to the city with no monetary commitment, and commissioners approved.     

The next workshop is scheduled for Feb. 27, at 4 p.m. at the Auditorium, and the next meeting is scheduled for March 13, at 6 p.m. at the Auditorium.