CAPC continues marketing efforts


At last Wednesday’s CAPC meeting, Lynn Berry, director of Branson communications, offered commissioners volunteer services to administer a committee to perform a search for a new CAPC Director. The CAPC accepted her proposal, and commissioner Harry Meyer offered that he had interest in hiring a university student-intern during the summer.

Staff of the Eureka Springs Independent requested to be the primary response publication through its Fun Guide. A direct relationship with Paradise Marketing, in the absence of a CAPC director, was proposed as a cohesive marketing message consistent with Paradise’s online, radio and billboard ads. The Fun Guide saturates the 4-hour drive radius where the CAPC markets heavily.

ESI proposed to harmonize with the brand and themes approved by the CAPC. Commissioners assigned Patrick Burnett to work with ESI.

Can you see me now?

Finance Director Rick Bright was asked questions about audio and video recording devices in both the Auditorium and the CAPC office. Bright stated there is no audio recording, only visual when there is motion in the room. Questions were also asked of the kind of insurance coverage the commission holds, but Bright was not able to provide specifics right then. He did mention that the insurance agent tried to call him during the meeting.  

The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 24 at 6 p.m. in the AUD.