CAPC collections healthy and spending cautious


The City Advertising and Promotion Commission met Dec. 11 for the last regular meeting of the year. Commissioners James DeVito and Bobbie Foster were absent, but a quorum was present. 

Finance Director Rick Bright presented the numbers showing that October tax collections from restaurants were down by three percent, while hotels were up by 12 percent, with a net increase of $28,555 for 2019.

Total expenses have been held within the projected budget, and gross income for the year through November is $105,582 more than projected, a seven percent growth over forecasts. 

Commissioners discussed Mayor Butch Berry’s request for the CAPC to contribute funds to the remodel of the Auditorium basement. While the commission is in a good financial position with a cash balance of more than $700,000, Tourism Director Lacey Ekberg reminded commissioners that tourism is volatile and may not always show steady growth, and that factors affecting tax collections are political, economic, weather, gas prices – all of which are out of the control of the CAPC. 

With that in mind, Ekberg suggested a conservative approach to capital improvements. After discussion the commission gave a general consensus in favor of contributing to Auditorium upgrades, but no dollar amount was confirmed. Further discussion and a possible vote will be expected in the early months of 2020. 

The next CAPC meeting will be Wednesday, Jan. 8 at 6 p.m. in the Auditorium.