CAPC applications shaved to the top five percent


The City Advertising and Promotion Commission met for its first regular meeting without a permanent Executive Director last Wednesday, May 8, and Chair Carol Wright provided an update on the ED position, saying that of the approximately 200 applications, commissioners have narrowed the selection down to ten – five local and five non-local. 

Interim Director pay was determined to be an additional $10 per hour until a suitable applicant is selected, a figure acceptable to Finance Director Rick Bright who is currently filling both positions.

Bright reported that tax collections lagged slightly from April 2018, by $2,193, with expenses of $140,595 and income of $120,257, for a net loss of $20,339. The Auditorium showed income of $2,921 and expenses at $13,250, for a month-ending net loss of $10,329. Event ticket sales income was $180, down from $4,038 in April 2018. 

Parks print bill on hold

The Parks Commission requested reimbursement for the printing costs of trails maps in the amount of $4,200.  Commissioners discussed it and deferred a decision until more information could be provided by Parks. 

The next workshop is scheduled for May 22 at 4 p.m. in the Auditorium.  The next regular meeting is scheduled for June 12 at 6 p.m. in the Auditorium.