Candidate should take a stance



A Republican staffer from Trump’s Commerce Department was arrested on child/infant sex abuse and pornography today (April 8, 2022.)  Over the past 10 years many Republicans in government positions have been convicted of child rape, trafficking and trading pornographic videos of heinous crimes against children. Is this what it meant when the Bible says, “Suffer little children unto me?” 

Local Josh Duggar was convicted for these same terrible crimes against children. The presiding judge noted that Josh’s computer contained the worst of the worst child sex abuse pornography. His family’s political rise was derailed by that; but Josh is still supported by Sarah Huckabee Sander’s father, one time governor and preacher.

Now Sarah wants to be our governor. What does she know about pedophilia? This is an important question to ask her. Judge Brown Jackson was vigorously questioned by Senator Tom Cotton during her Supreme Court hearing about her stance on pedophiles. We should know where Sarah stands. Someone in the press, please ask her. Let’s get it on record.

Tell me, what kind of government do we want? We need leaders, not liars. Talk to us, Sarah.

Sheri Hanson


  1. Excellent point. Republicans love to turn the table on facts…accuse Democrats of terrible crimes that they are guilty of.

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