Can you hear me now?



I, like all Americans except the indigenous nations of the “First Americans,” am a child of immigrants. My fore parents came from Belfast, Ireland, because of the potato famine. African Americans’ fore parents were captured and brought here by slave catchers, not because of some problems in their home continent. There is a very big difference that continues racism to this day.

I suggest that we Arkansans each send in a $1 donation for a hearing aid for Senator Cotton. He was in the same room with other senators who conveniently did not hear the president’s nasty racist slurs about Haitian people and African countries, nor his hope that more people from Norway would come here. In fact, not only did Senator Cotton not hear Trump’s slurs, he very quickly spoke out to say he did not hear such language. I guess one has to be a Democrat to hear the truth.

T.A. Laughlin