Building Inspector replies to charges


In 2012 Eureka Springs Police Chief Earl Hyatt received a complaint from current City Finance Director Lonnie Clark regarding Bobby Ray who had made some “offensive and unwarranted” comments to and in front of female staff about feminine hygiene and hygiene products. 

 Hyatt signed a letter placed in Ray’s personnel file that indicated Ray, who is currently city Building Inspector, a department head and reserve ESPD Officer, was counseled as to appropriate office conversations and comments to staff. 

In the letter Hyatt indicated that “Bobby Ray was advised that any further infractions of this nature could result in serious disciplinary action.” 

In 2019 Ray was reprimanded again, this time with a five-day suspension, due to watching pornography during working hours on the city computer. An internal investigation revealed that Ray’s body camera apparently recorded his actions and the video replay confirmed Ray in his city hall office watching pornography on the computer. 

In a letter signed by Police Chief Brian Young, “Mayor Berry agreed Officer Ray needed to be reprimanded for using city property to view pornography online while he was at work.”

The city handbook was referenced in the reprimand citing expressly prohibited usage of city property specifically of the offensive, obscene, or sexual nature, including participating in the viewing or exchange of pornography or obscene materials. 

 “Abuse of the internet access provided by the City in violation of law or the City policies will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination,” the handbook states.

Young determined a five-day suspension would be appropriate based on the severity of the circumstance and the fact Ray was exposing the city’s computer server to the possibility of cyberattack from visiting these types of web sites. 

“I was written up once for an inappropriate comment,” Ray replied in an email. “There was more to the story than appears. The other I admit, was a bad choice on my part. It hadn’t happened prior nor has it happened since. I never denied my mistake nor made any excuse for my actions of that day.”


  1. All I’m going to say about this whole ordeal is, Bobby Ray is a wonderful human being. He respects everyone’s opinions. He’s also a very damned good parent to his own children and his (step-daughters) and they love him more than anything on the planet. He’s a wonderful husband to his wife and and awesome son to his dad.
    Ppl should really think twice about trying to ruin others lives

  2. As a good friend once said…their born with it in their hand and they die with it in their hand. He was disciplined and that should be the end of it. I have had hoof in mouth disease a couple times myself. Move on.

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