BOZA punctilious on survey


On Dec. 14, the Board of Zoning Adjustment took another look at a proposal to build five cabins at 157 W. Van Buren. The application first came to the table Nov. 9, along with a request for setback variances on the side and back of the property. Commissioners questioned whether that number of cabins could reasonably fit on the small property, even if the variances were approved. They postponed a decision, and Cory Walker, representing owner Kent Krug, promised to return with a revised plan.

Without discussing specifics of the revised plan, commissioner Melissa Greene immediately turned to the question of a survey. Walker had submitted a topographical survey, showing trees and other landscape features. He said the property had been surveyed in 2004, and the corners were marked when Krug bought the property in 2013.

According to GPS information, he said the pins are still located properly. Walker also noted that the last boundary survey is filed in the courthouse, and the distances match the topographic survey. Greene said she would like to see a copy, and the item was postponed until the Jan. 11 meeting.

During public comments, Evelyn Cross asked commissioners to require an updated survey. She said some of the boundaries are unclear, and based on the drawings she received, the project might encroach on an edge of her property.

Commissioners convened as the Planning Commission, where Fergie Stewart has been pursuing Internet connectivity issues. He said the Carroll County Internet Service Company has applied to serve unincorporated areas of the county.

Stewart said a committee formed by the mayor met with other mayors, and a consultant hired by the state. The state is conducting connectivity speed tests to determine underserved areas, and Stewart encouraged everyone to take the test at “It will help us prove to the state that Eureka Springs is underserved,” he said.

In other business:

  • Commissioners continued to review procedures, including the schedule for public comments. They also considered whether an appeal should go to circuit court or to city council. Given the recent history of council overturning commission rulings, commissioner Tom Buford said he would rather that appeals went to circuit court. Commission Chair Ann Tandy-Sallee asked City Historic Preservation Officer Kylee Hevrdejs to check with the mayor and the city attorney for guidance on the issue.
  • This was the first meeting for new commissioner Meghan Morris.
  • The agenda for the Jan. 11 meeting will include further discussion of commission rules and regulations and a broadband update. Greene asked to continue recent discussions of residential parking.