Big fun on White Street



My husband and I visited your wonderful town the week of October 30. We’ve been there several times and always enjoy ourselves, but this trip was especially enjoyable. We loved – and were quite surprised – to see your community go all out on Halloween night! 

We stayed at the wonderful 5 Ojo Inn, so were in the thick of the trick-or-treating activity. We sat on the porch of the B&B and watched the kiddos go by. The children were adorable. And we loved how many of their parents and other family members also donned costumes, making the event a family affair.

We were also pleased to see how so many residents and businesses showed eagerness to participate with lots of goodies to give, awesome home decorating and costumes of their own. Had we known ahead of our trip what was in store for the night, we would have happily bought candy to hand out.

Not to be left out, some residents showed their Halloween spirit by dressing up and driving decorated cars and bicycles down the street in a parade-like fashion.

It appeared that no serious incidents occurred; most people – even the children – were polite to one another. You could hear lots of “Happy Halloween!” greetings as people passed one another on the street. The kindness shown was refreshing! 

The night was truly joyous and made us feel like we had traveled back in time. It reminded me very much of what it was like to trick-or-treat when I was a child decades ago. We didn’t have to worry about being shot, or mowed down by a terrorist-driven vehicle. And our parents didn’t have to examine our candy before we ate it.

We’ve always said we would love to retire to Eureka Springs someday. Seeing your quaint, old-fashioned, inclusive community come together for a night of Halloween fun and camaraderie made us want to move there that much more.

Well done, Eureka Springs! You should feel proud of your fine, beautiful town and its residents. You are a shining example of all that is good in America!

Jo Ann and Mark Gunter

Oklahoma City