Bids waived on sewer equipment upgrade


On August 24, Public Works Director Dwayne Allen asked city council to approve an emergency bidding waiver for $40,000 of repairs to UV equipment used at the city sewer system. Allen said the equipment is proprietary and only one organization supplies the parts needed for repair.

He said the repair also comes with an efficiency upgrade which will make the system 50 percent more efficient than before, with a new controller and PLC card. Council unanimously approved the bid waiver, and issued Ord. 2298, after reading the ordinance three times.

Council also approved the third and final reading of Ord. 2296 for Level III application fees and deferred the ordinance for Bed & Breakfast definition changes.

Res. 783 was unanimously approved authorizing Mayor Butch Berry to apply for and accept a $50,000 grant from USDA Rural Development to purchase a bucket truck for Public Works. The matching grant will aid and assist the city in purchasing a bucket truck for $97,324, and Berry said if the grant is awarded, the old truck will be sold at auction.

In closing of Monday’s meeting Berry said he would like to organize a mid-year budget review workshop for Monday, August 31, at 5 p.m.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, Sept. 10 at 6 p.m. in the AUD.