Being guided to the cemetery



We have an especially interesting cemetery in Eureka Springs. It was founded in 1879 and the Odd Fellows took over in 1889. The assortment of tombstones is phenomenal. Many are one-of-a-kind, many imported and others are specific to an era.

We have several white bronze or zinc that stopped when it was needed for the War effort. They appear to be rock until you knock on them.

Others are marked with many of the fraternal orders so popular here at the turn-of-the-century.

Since the clearing of the front fence on 62East there appears to be a noticeable increase in visitors. I myself have visited several times and have met Gloria Stevens, the sexton, and Patrick Lujan, the superintendent/caretaker. Between them the cemetery has never looked better.

The both know the cemetery well and can guide you to most any grave of inquiry.

Gloria is often contacted through the Internet and goes out to meet people there to help, to learn, and sell plots. She learns a lot about the lives of those buried there.

Pat is busy with the never ending weedeating and mowing, and the never-ending pickup loads of leaves and pine needles. Both are very dedicated, we are lucky to have them.

Susan Schaefer