Be straight up



A long time previous employee of the Good Shepherd Humane Society recently walked into the Doggie Thrift Shop to drop off some things and shop. She was told to leave, that she was banned from GSHS for disrespecting a board member.      

As a person who makes substantial regular donations to GSHS, I am livid and I want this to stop! I don’t care what beef one GSHS human has with another human. I care not that one human thinks another human was disrespectful. Shout back and get it over with. It matters not to me who is right and who is wrong here. The public talks. Gossip travels. 

GSHS exists only to find homeless pets loving homes as soon as possible.  The reputation surrounding GSHS must be positive. Humans involved, get over yourselves. It is unacceptable to let human pettiness get in the way of finding homeless pets good homes. It is also unacceptable to prevent one dime from entering the GSHS coffers. I implore you to fix this today.

Julie Freeman