ESI Staff


Planning to work out Code update

Nicky Boyette - Chair Steve Beacham represented a resolution from Planning asking city council to establish a 90-day moratorium “on the issuance of new...

ESFD to get safety equipment

Nicky Boyette -Alderman James DeVito moved to place proposed Ordinance #2240, waiving requirements of competitive bidding for purchasing 10 self-contained breathing apparatuses for ESFD,...

Low Impact resolution going to council

Nicky Boyette - Jim Helwig, geologist and member of the Springs Committee, urged Parks’ commissioners last Tuesday to adopt a resolution endorsing “an initiative...

Eureka Springs has no official shelters for natural disaster

Becky Gillette - If a natural disaster occurs, where do you go for shelter if you live in Eureka Springs? “We have no shelters,” Eureka...

Clear Spring Enrollment available

Clear Spring School is now accepting students for grades 1st – 6th. Partial scholarships are available until June 17. Call (479) 253-7888.

Heart and harmony at Holiday Island

The Holiday Island Singers will hold Lift Up Your Voice concert on Friday, April 29 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, May 1 at 2:30...

Huss presents To Do list

Nicky Boyette - New Parks Department director Justin Huss last week gave Parks commissioners a list of items to address immediately, including replacing all...

Mercy Hospital Berryville awards scholarships

Mercy Hospital Berryville Auxiliary held a reception and awards ceremony Saturday, April 16 for recipients of the auxiliary scholarships. Left to right: MHBA President...

They are sooo hot!

Burt Hamilton originally wanted to concoct a West Indian hot sauce, but found when he added turmeric and other spices his sauces leaned more...

Storm warning could come

Mayor Butch Berry told council Monday he had spoken with the United States Department of Agriculture last year about the possibility of a grant...