ESI Staff



I hope everybody had a wonderful week and was able to get out and enjoy some of this beautiful weather. On the White River,...

The Dirt on Nicky

Lettuce make soup The sun set on another Tuesday while May and Juno were preparing dinner. They always did everything together, and they had just...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week September 13 – 19, 2023

Mercury Direct, Days of Awe & Apples & Honey for a Sweet New Year This is our last week of summer. Thursday, September 14,...

Mold and water leaks concerns prevail at council

Eureka Springs City Council heard from Building Inspector Jacob Coburn for his year-to-date report at Monday’s meeting. Coburn said he’d worked on distributing information...

Origin of sludge a mystery

Operators of the Eureka Springs and North Arkansas Railway recently noticed sludge in Leatherwood Creek downstream from the city’s sewage treatment plant. Public Works...

City gaining ground in fixing water leaks

Water leaks in the aging distribution system in historic Eureka Springs have cost the city a lot of money in charges from the Carroll...

HDC approves six requests, hesitates on one

The Historic District Commission had a number of applications to consider at the Sept. 6 meeting, and commissioners approved all but one. Arlene Arquizu had...

Jeepers are keepers

Ordinarily the third weekend in September doesn’t generate a lot of tourism income for Eureka Springs. That is why that weekend coming up was...

Time flying since school started

Students at Eureka Springs schools have completed four weeks of work, and at the Sept. 11 school board meeting three principals said the opening...

Hark! Art in the Park

Join at Basin Park on Saturday, Sept. 16 from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. for the Basin Park Art Market. Shop for work from...