ESI Staff


The Dirt on Nicky

First was the earth, then came tomatillos Tomatillo plants learned long ago in Guatemala and Mexico to dress their fruits in little paper shirts that...

Dropping a Line

Fishing is fun, catching is better, and peace on the water makes it great. Going to take you for a peaceful ride upriver. As you...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week July 26 – August 1, 2023

Petals of Venus – Venus Retrograde (continued) Continuing the study of Venus retrograde (now at 28 Leo, near Regulus, heart of Leo). Venus retrogrades in...

The Coffee Table

Hot House Blues I don’t want to be one of those people who say, “When I was your age… ”   then proceed to give hyperbolic...

Dropping a Line

I’m writing the report for Lisa this week due to an unfortunate circumstance. My heart goes out to her and her family.     ...

The Dirt on Nicky

Cilantro state of mind Has your family had the talk yet, you know, about cilantro? It’s legal in every state, but it has a spicy, exotic...

The Coffee Table

Pockets of Power I read that the Southern Baptist Convention now forbids women from holding leadership roles in the church and has actually expelled two...

CAPC considering a new marketing firm

      At the July 12 workshop, City Advertising and Promotion commissioners discussed several topics that will be up for vote at the next meeting,...

B&B moratorium extension up to council

The Planning Commission voted last week to recommend another six-month moratorium on new or expanded bed and breakfast operations in residential zones. A moratorium currently...

Cosmic Cavern’s mysteries run deep

Randy Langhover started working as manager of Cosmic Cavern north of Berryville 50 years ago. He bought the cave in 1980, and with exploration...