ESI Staff


Voting from experience

Editor, The “good old boy” attitude in Carroll County has gone on way too long. Magnetic Road is a heavily traveled road. It has been...

Going native

Editor, Thank you for all the advance PR for our event. What fun we had on Saturday! The “growing” (enthusiasm for native plants and their...

Yes, a biodiverse community

Editor, I thank you all for inviting me to speak at the 2nd Annual Eureka Springs Native Plant Fair. Although the weather elements were unfavorable for an...

National voting should be about the party

Editor, As we go vote in this mid-term, please remember: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that now that the Supreme Court seat has been...

Texas Barflies Celebrate 30 Years at Legends

For 30 years drummer James Curtis has been enticing some of Dallas’s best musicians to hit the road with him. These bluesmen come together...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week Oct. 24-30, 2018

Scorpio – the Struggle from Death to Immortality The autumn festivals of Light begin soon with Halloween when the veils x between worlds thin.  We are...

Dropping a Line

Tom Roane from Alvord, Texas, caught a nice size striper last Saturday while taking a break from the War Eagle crowd. We had a...

Allegiance way behind on lease payments

Commissioners at the Oct. 15 Hospital Commission meeting expressed dissatisfaction with the fact Allegiance Health Care is four and a half months late on...

JPs insulted by county official keep focus on business at hand

Justice of the Peace Lamont Richie ended Monday night’s quorum court meeting with an impassioned complaint about an unnamed county elected official. Richie and...

County prepping roads for winter

Jim Kelley appeared on behalf of the Road Department at Monday’s quorum court meeting, and explained that a gravel road costs about $2,200 per...