ESI Staff


The Coffee Table

What Do Childless Cat Ladies Want? Last week I got a text from a friend responding to the proclamation by J.D. Vance, the Republican pick...

The Dirt on Nicky

Answers to important questions Uncle Wahoo agreed to appear on the Magic Mary Infinite Garden podcast and answer questions about gardening from callers. He is...

Hall Closets

Yesterday, while perusing the Sunday edition of the Arkansas Demozette (guess the Gazcrat sounded too Russian) and gleaning the latest and most crucial topics...


Temperatures last week were up and down, just like the fishing. Reports from striper guides on Beaver Lake are that they are catching their...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week July 31 – August 6, 2024

Lionhearted Leo Sun, Mercury Retrogrades Leo is the sign of fun and friendship, of children, games and creative self-identity. Leo’s hair is a mane rising...

Judge and JPs tired of wind farm pushback

County Judge David Writer ended the July 16 quorum court meeting with a plea to the public to temper their opposition to the wind-turbine...

Council OKs consecutive entertainment districts

Public comments that started the Eureka Springs City Council meeting July 22 were largely concerned with a permanent entertainment district. Ken Fogel and Karen...

HDC grants pillar removal and garage demolition

The Historic District Commission had postponed a decision on two projects at its July 3 meeting. Last week, the HDC approved both those projects. At...

CAPC grapples with Aud rental fees

At the July 17 City Advertising and Promotion Commission workshop, Tourism Director Mike Maloney tossed out several ideas for how to make auditorium rental...

Petition circulating to eliminate the CAPC

As long as Pat Matsukis has lived in Eureka Springs, there has been controversy about the City Advertising and Promotion Commission. Most recently, two...