ESI Staff


Gas stove blues 35 years later

In the late 1980s, I had a good gig writing a monthly “Healthy Home” column for Rodale’s Practical Homeowner. I was trying to build...

Letter from the Editor

What?! JRG, As much as we appreciated your clever letter to the editor, and knowing you don’t have a phone and we don’t have a stamp,...

The Dirt on Nicky

People get ready This is the last full week of winter, and the forecast calls for a few subzero nights. Spring might arrive wearing a...


The White River below Beaver Lake, also known as Beaver tailwaters, has some of the best fishing around this area right now. As you...

The Coffee Table

Mental Mapping Malfunction I pushed my cart through Walmart’s produce and dairy sections (where I do most of my shopping), then proceeded to the check-out. I...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week March 15-21, 2023

Spring Equinox, New Moon & International Astrology Day We are in our last week of Pisces. The two fishes of Pisces, carrying the seeds...

Gary Gene Adamson Oct. 16, 1930 – March 1, 2023

Gary Gene Adamson died March 1, 2023, in Pensacola, Fla. He was 92. He was born in Springfield, Mo., on Oct. 16, 1930, to...

Raymond Herman Backs March 24, 1928 – February 24, 2023

Raymond Herman Backs of Berryville, Ark., was born March 24, 1928, to Andrew and Zetta (Brisbois) Backs in Escanaba, Mich. Raymond passed away February...

Adia Rubye-Astrid Corning Oct. 11, 2007 – Feb. 23, 2023

Adia Rubye-Astrid Corning of Eureka Springs, Ark., was born October 11, 2007, in Conway, Ark., to John and Meredith (Cavaness) Corning, Jr. Adia passed away...

Scout to meet with county officials March 14

Opponents of a proposed $300-million Nimbus Wind Facility next to County Road 905 near Green Forest are concerned about the lack of public notice...