Aud committee charts a course


Nicky Boyette – The Auditorium Committee and others gathered April 14 to toss around ideas for what the Auditorium needs for long-term success. Jeff Danos, local promoter who serves as chair, asked the group what would be an immediately implementable idea to bring people to the Auditorium.

The Rocky Horror Picture Show was the quick response from Dori Thomas, events coordinator for the City Advertising and Promotion Commission. Danos agreed Rocky Horror could be a recurring event because it has been a successful draw in many other cities. Ken Ketelsen, chair of the CAPC, said he knew of a Kansas City theater group looking for a place for perform Rocky Horror. The group concurred this was an idea worth pursuing.

Discussion also covered better use of the bulletin boards on the west wall of the building for promoting events and gathering attention. But first, the frames need repairs to make them weatherproof. Thomas also mentioned the website is due for an upgrade with more photos. Danos termed the site “a work in progress.”

Mayor’s assistant Kim Stryker handed out copies of recommendations to city council from the 2011 Auditorium Committee which have yet to be acted upon. “Here we are again, so it is time to ask again,” she said.

Stryker commented that Mayor Butch Berry has started the conversation about a two percent sales tax which would provide for a steady revenue stream for the city, and part of the revenue would be designated for the Auditorium. She stated the task of the committee would be to come up with specific recommendations regarding what it would take to operate and maintain the building, including anticipated costs, and send it to city council.

Danos added they also would need to prove to the public a tax is worth it by showing what the Auditorium can do for the community. “However, if we can do that without the tax revenue, then why would residents endorse a tax?”

Thomas responded that just addressing structural needs of the aging building should justify the tax.

Ron Sumner, technical director at the Auditorium, said renovating the basement of the Auditorium could open it up as a multi-use facility, from monthly local shows to exhibits and beyond. Artist John Rankine agreed the basement holds great potential for more use by the community, and Stryker remarked, “This [the Auditorium] is the community center.”

Rankine gave the historical perspective. He said there was a time when people in the broader area looked to see what the next act at the Auditorium would be, and a goal should be to get there again. He also suggested a monthly alternative music night might spark interest.

Danos commented having an events coordinator focused on bringing in entertainment changes the dynamic for what is possible, but he also noticed because of more competition in the area and the price of tickets for competitive acts, they must strike a balance between striving to re-create the glory years and charting a new course.

Rankine reminded the group that regardless of the production and promotion issues, the Auditorium is a great venue. Stryker said the Eroica Trio ranked it among venues with the best natural acoustics of any place they have played.

Sumner stated that among performers, the Auditorium has a great reputation, and the group agreed it is important to remind citizens the Auditorium has served many functions for the town over the years.

Next meeting time is not yet scheduled.