As easy as riding a bike


Nicky Boyette – Nate Griffey, representing the Carroll County chapter of the Ozark Off Road Cyclists, told Parks commissioners last week that OORC not only rides trails, they build and maintain them. He said a group of 14 volunteers recently began a new biking and hiking trail for beginners at Lake Leatherwood (LLCP), and they have been approached to build trails at The Farm near Butler Hollow.

In an effort to get students on mountain bikes, Griffey announced OORC is participating with the National Interscholastic Cycling Association to stage one of four NICA races in Arkansas this year at LLCP October 23. He commented this would be a noteworthy event because similar more established NICA races in other states draw hundreds of bikers, and this could become a significant annual attraction.

He also announced the Fat Tire Festival will be held at LLCP on the weekend of July 15-17.

OORC meets at 6 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month at Sparky’s.


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