Art and energy and how you look at it



How can freedom-loving Democrats, liberals, tree-huggers, animal lovers who believed in the possibilities of a fair and just United States government survive votes being stolen, not even counted? How can we stop the growth of fascism?

My oldest friend in California told me, “Just remember what the Vietnamese said: ‘Turn hate into energy.’” So, I listed a few things that make me appreciate kindness and smiles:

  1. The Carnegie Library – Fran, Loretta, Kate, Sarah, Christina, Mackenzie, Ginger and April are always pleasant and helpful. What a beautiful library we have. Thank you.
  2. The Flint Street Food Bank – Pat Kasner and many volunteers distribute food to many families. (Our wonderful organic Farmers’ Market gives vegetables to Flint St. when they can.)
  3. The Cup of Love Ministry – Pattie and Chuck Jarrett live their religious faith by feeding the hungry with joy. They are moving to the old Calvary Chapel and offering free soup Monday – Friday, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. They need volunteers, refrigerators, freezers, tables, chairs and food to keep going. Call them (479) 363-4529. I must add that my sweetheart Marie Howard bakes hot cornbread every Monday and Wednesday for folks.
  4. The old Eureka Springs Hospital – funky but well-run by caring and professional nurses and doctors. We are lucky to have them.
  5. Local musicians and artists – What would we do without their spiritual beauty? Robert Redford said, “The country is so wounded, bleeding and hurt right now. How are we going to be healed? Art is the healing force.”
  6. The trees and the flowers and the rock work – look around, say thank you.
  7. Our first National River – the Buffalo is sacred. We must protect her from greed and hog waste.
  8. Eureka’s Public Works Department – I commend the folks who repair our old streets and work so very hard to keep our town working and beautiful.
  9. Our Diverse Population – LBGTQ people have fought to be able to live in respect here.
  10. Domestic Partnerships and Gay Marriages – our city council voted domestic partnerships in, voted for gay marriages, and now proudly offers these legal rights to lesbians and gays with dignity and pride.

When I think of these sweet things, I look at my Obama coffee cup which says, “The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something.”

I am going to the Women’s March (open to all) in Little Rock, Jan. 20-21 and help create a happy new year that celebrates equality, love, anti-racism, and the 2020 presidential election!

Trella Laughlin