ARs not for everybody



Well, it’s happened again. Columbine, Sandy Hook and now Parkland. When will this end? It won’t!

We, the people, are tired of the excuses, platitudes and political correctness. We want chicken-hearted politicians who are more interested in being reëlected than doing their job such as passing laws to protect our children, our nation’s future.

No guns should be sold to the general public that are used for war. No one needs an AR-15 to shoot a deer. And don’t think I’m one of those 2nd Amendment attackers I am an ancestor of a Minuteman who served in the American Revolutionary War out of Rhode Island. My great-grandfather served out of Wisconsin in the War Between the States, my uncle fought from Minnesota in the First World War and my first cousin fought in the Korean War. We all worried when he went to war, he was only 18. War is inhuman.

There have got to be tests to screen the mentally ill for school entrances, military enlistment, etc., without interference of the Politically Correctness Crowd.

But these shootings must stop. There’s got to be a way. You people, elected by us, must do something. Now!

Enid B. Swartz