Arrest made in Doughboy vandalism


Eureka Springs police arrested Dustin Doak on Sept. 24 in connection with causing deliberate damage to the marble World War I Doughboy in Basin Park. Doak, 36, was charged with Defacing Objects of Public Respect, a Class C felony.

According to an ESPD Incident Report, Officer Michael Boseman reviewed video footage from the early morning of Sept. 23 that showed a male walk into Basin Park and climb the south side of the statue, then start beating on the statue’s hat brim and face. The male then climbs down, picks up broken pieces, and leaves the park. The man had a long beard and wore a cloak.

On Friday afternoon, Sept. 24, Boseman saw Doak walking in front of the courthouse. Boseman arrested, handcuffed and transported Doak to the police department, where Doak agreed to be questioned by Asst. Chief Brian Jones.

According to interview notes, Doak said that soon Jesus Christ would take over this land and anyone worshipping false idols would be in grave danger. Doak said he used a wooden cross to damage the statue, the cross broke, and it was those pieces he picked up.

Companies in the 1920s made marble statues and traveling salesmen sold them to small towns all across the country. The Basin Park Doughboy was erected in 1929 to honor the 500 men from Carroll County who fought in World War I.

Parks’ Director Scott Miskiel estimated the damage at about $4500.