Approvals abound at HDC


The Historic District Commission split over a request last week for extension on a project. Jack Yeager had received HDC approval for remodeling at 12 Fuller St., but the project is still far from completion, and the deadline is approaching.

Yeager was unable to attend the meeting, but asked to extend the deadline, citing health and financial issues. The house, built in 1897, is considered contributing.

Commissioner Marty Cogan expressed concerns about setting a precedent by granting an extension. She and commissioner Greg Moon voted against the extension, leaving the vote at 3-2 in favor, with one commissioner absent. Chair Steve Holifield provided the fourth vote needed for approval.

Stacy Mahurin, at 180 N. Main St., received approval for a plan to replace the brick on a 1970’s-era addition with limestone. The project will include other modifications to that addition. Holifield read four letters from neighbors into the record, and all supported the project. Commissioners also approved a change in the parking area.

Pat Lujan received approval for a cedar privacy fence at 269 N. Main St. He said he wants the fence to separate his property from a rental unit next door.

Clear Spring School received approval to build an outdoor classroom. The structure, 10 by 16 ft., will be secured in place, but the design will allow the school to move it to another location. The application describes an open wooden structure with a chalkboard on one wall.

The school also received approval to enclose a screened porch, 12 by 51 ft. The porch is located on the back of a building and not visible from the street.

The agenda included an application to build a greenhouse at 26 Ridgeway Ave. Applicant Penny Pemberton did not attend the meeting, and commissioners considered discussing the application without her. Since this application involved Level III new construction, they postponed discussion until the next meeting.

The HDC will meet next at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 2. Level III applications were due Sept. 18, and other levels are due Sept. 26.