Applicants for HDC get go-ahead


In the first meeting in 2020 for a city commission, the Historic District Commission convened last Thursday and approved all the applications on the agenda.

James DeVito came to the microphone to ask approval for a plan to enclose part of an upper deck at 5 Center St. He explained that he had received permission in the past year to add a roof over the deck, and would now like to enclose a third of the area. The plan would include adding two windows. Only one of those windows will be visible from the street, and that window will match those on lower levels.

His application was approved without comment.

The Eureka Springs Community Center received approval for a plan to add an entry door and a garage door in an exterior wall which had been removed to extract a large kiln. The property, at 44 Kingshighway, dates back to1950 and is considered contributing. Debbie Davis, speaking on behalf of the ESCC board, said that face of the building is hardly visible. She further explained that the garage door will allow the Farmers’ Market to use that basement area for storage.

Tom Buford received approval for his request to add a limestone retaining wall at 32 Owen St. He will also remove a small existing retaining wall as part of a plan to expand a parking area.

Charla Destry had received approval in 2011 to build a carport at 13 Emporia St. She later added a small porch on the back of the carport. Destry apologized for not submitting a formal application before adding the porch, and said she did not realize she would need approval for that part of the project. The porch roof is metal and matches the garage. Commissioners approved.

Cliff Kollin, Construction Coordinator for the Northwest Regional Housing Authority, spoke on behalf of a new construction application. A house planned at 4 Wheeler St. for Roger Walker will measure 48 x 26 ft., including a front porch 8 x 26 ft. The project also includes a handicapped ramp. The application originally specified vinyl siding, but Kollin said the siding had been upgraded to concrete board. Commissioners looked through the project specifications and approved it.

During public comments, a neighbor came to the microphone, but he had no objection to the project. He asked about a sewer easement that runs through his property and was assured that his property would be restored after the sewer line is in place.

2020 officers elected

Commissioners elected officers for the coming year. Dee Bright will serve as chair, and former chairman Steve Holifield will serve as vice-president. Marty Cogan will take over as treasurer. In selecting a secretary, the commissioners discussed long-term availability for meetings. Magi Hayde accepted the position, with the stipulation that she may have to miss a meeting.

HDC will next meet at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 15. Level III applications were due Jan. 3, and other levels are due Jan. 9.