Alternatives to the Wall


“In the field of world policy, I would dedicate this nation to the Policy of the Good Neighbor – the neighbor who resolutely respects himself and, because he does so, respects the rights of others” – Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1933

At the end of the Great Depression, FDR promised to improve US ties and relations with Latin America in his much-anticipated Inauguration speech. FDR, a visionary leader with strong character, courage and determination, made a wise choice. The Good Neighbor Policy inspired the world.

The best alternative to Trump’s Wall is to treat Mexico with respect, as a strong business partner and a good neighbor. For half the cost of Trump’s Wall, America could invest in Mexico and work together to protect Mexico’s border with Guatemala. Investing in Latin America would create a massive market and thousands of jobs for Americans.

Trump tweeted last Friday “the construction of the Wall has started” with a picture of a fence, in Calexico, Calif. Trump spent Easter Sunday with Fox News commentators at Mar-a-Lago, with a fury of tweets blaming Mexico for doing nothing to stop the flow of drugs and people, and Democrats for the immigration policy. He praised the Border Patrol and the Immigration Customs Enforcement. In short, in Trump’s eyes, Trump is right and everyone else is wrong. Let’s dig in.

Trump’s Wall is a scam

The fake picture Trump tweeted on Friday shows a 2-mile fence undergoing repairs. If you can see people on the other side, it’s not a wall. Trump promised a beautiful Wall to get elected, blaming US problems on immigrants. It worked like magic, he used it again and again, adding “Mexico’s going to pay for the wall” to double the impact. “On day one, I will build the Wall,” he promised.

Trump’s stated goals for the Wall “stopping the flow of drugs and people,” are unattainable, vague, and false. Consider a kilogram of cocaine coming from Colombia to the US. Sending a “kilo” to Canada would bypass the impenetrable Wall. People come to America in many different ways. Flights to US airports are available from all major South American cities.

New People in America (NPA) are determined, brave, resourceful, and smart individuals, from every corner of the world, hoping to become US citizens. Why would Trump want to stop people dreaming of a better future? Massive detention and deportation is a White Supremacy ploy to destroy America’s democracy.

Drugs for profit

As long as Americans maintain their insatiable demand for illicit drugs, drugs dealers will continue supplying illegal substances for profit. Demand drives the drug flow. Drug addiction should be treated like any other chronic illness; instead, funds are wasted on enforcement.

Fact: The US is in the grip of an opioid addiction crisis, manufactured by US pharmaceutical companies making massive profits. The State of Ohio filed a lawsuit last year against Purdue Pharma, Endo Health, Teva, Johnson & Johnson, and Allergan for selling opioids as safe.

A February 2018 Homeland Security report says, “The top five US opioid manufacturers spent over $10 million between 2012 and 2017 in contributions to opioid advocacy groups and affiliated doctors.” The Wall would not halt the opioid crisis.

The price of one kilo of pure cocaine in Colombia is $1,500. When it reaches the US, the price increases to $27,000. US dealers cut cocaine with additives. The retail price of one kilo is $150,000. US cocaine dealers make 450 percent profit!

The Wall is a symbol of hate

Trump opened the door to White Supremacy deadly violence in Charlottesville, Va., and a dramatic rise of far-right movements and the Ku Klux Klan. “Hate begets hate, violence begets violence, …” said Martin Luther King.

A demagogue is a “leader in a democracy who gains popularity by exploiting prejudice and ignorance among the common people, whipping up the passions of the crowd and shutting down reasoned deliberation.” Trump is a dangerous manipulator using false promises and threats to delay the legal investigations against him, hoping to get reëlected.

Dr. Luis Contreras


  1. Facts are needed to take military actions against other nations.

    A PEW research center 2015 study shows Mexican immigrants are leaving the US, and why.

    “From 2009 to 2014, 1 million Mexicans and their families (including U.S.-born children) left the U.S. for Mexico, according to data from the 2014 Mexican National Survey of Demographic Dynamics (ENADID). U.S. census data for the same period show an estimated 870,000 Mexican nationals left Mexico to come to the U.S., a smaller number than the flow of families from the U.S. to Mexico.”

    Mexican immigrants going home

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