Alternative methods to stay healthy


One of the more perplexing aspects of the novel coronavirus pandemic that had caused the deaths of more than 236,000 Americans by late November is that while the illness is deadly to many, others show few, if any, symptoms, and most who do become ill recover without hospitalization. Can health supplements help people prevent catching the virus or get over it more easily?

Megan Kirk, co-owner of Eureka Market, said they are not specifically counseling people on Covid-19 treatments.

Overall, they recommend what they recommend every year: Tend your immune system by taking Vitamin D and a probiotic, add in whole food vitamin C and maybe a mushroom blend, monolaurin, olive leaf, or elderberry for additional immune support.

“Make sure you sleep well and consider adding magnesium or CBD before bedtime if you don’t,” Kirk said. “Eat whole foods, and include spicy peppers, ginger, medicinal mushrooms, onions and garlic. Stay physically active and use your lungs. Huff and puff and walk. Finally, make time to do things you enjoy, and find ways to connect with others. Have a support system.”

The top two supplements recommended for immune health for most people would be a high-quality probiotic with at least 50 billion potency per serving, and vitamin D3 at 5,000 IU daily.

“Gut microbiota have many jobs, and their effect on the immune system is critical,” Kirk said. “They defend against harmful microorganisms and they teach the immune system to differentiate friend from foe. Vitamin D is needed to regulate immune response and assists in producing over two hundred antimicrobial peptides that work to kill bacteria and envelop viruses. It’s turning up in early research as being essential to Covid-19 treatment, and ideally, you would keep sufficient amounts in your body through supplementation that will protect you should you become infected.”

Other than supplements, Kirk recommends an oximeter to check oxygen levels. Those cost about $20 and can be helpful if you fall ill to get information about whether to seek medical attention.

Eureka Market offers free curbside pickup of groceries, has installed many safety measures inside like plexiglass barriers between customers and checkout clerks, and enforces the mask mandate.

“It is rare that someone is in here without a mask, but it is a whole side gig I have now and telling people they aren’t allowed in the store without a mask,” Kirk said. “I really don’t appreciate it. It is too bad people aren’t on the same page about these simple precautions. Fortunately, our entire staff have remained Covid free.”

Eureka Market offer a free Reference Guide: Top 15 Supplements for Seasonal Wellness

Dr. Chuck and Ramona McNeal at the McNeal Chiropractic Center in Berryville recommend Immune Packets, available at their office. The packets consist of vitamin C and zinc with other synergistic ingredients formulated for immune support, and vitamin D3.

“We also have a wide variety of other targeted products for glands, muscle rehabilitation and organ support such as liver, kidneys, etc.,” Ramona said. “The companies we align ourselves with are Progressive Lab, Thorne and DC Lab.

“We also provide a generalized list of lifestyle considerations to augment supplementation, if desired, and chiropractic. We encourage, recommend and teach, stretching via yoga, meditation, breathing techniques to facilitate the relaxation response necessary for wellness which supports deep sleep and improved digestion, among many other benefits.”

Ramona said the level of stress many are experiencing is not sustainable. “Carroll County is very fortunate to have access to two community centers, a plethora of great massage therapists and other modalities to improve our lives,” she said.

McNeal Chiropractic Center has remained open throughout the pandemic.

“We are considered an essential service provider,” Ramona said. “People don’t have to remain in pain. Our protocols before Covid and after Covid have stayed much the same, as we have always sanitized tables, doorknobs and arm rests, between patients.

“However, we have strengthened bacterial sanitizers and products that include disinfecting Covid virus properties. Everyone is required to wear a mask, wash hands upon arrival and social distance. If our rooms are occupied, we have patients call to see if they can come in and if not, remain in their vehicle until we are ready.”

They have modified their regular hours and are open Monday and Thursday from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. and Tuesday from 1 – 6 p.m. (870) 423-6969