All we need is love



Kudos to Blake Lasater for his letter to this newspaper last week! When he speaks of reading the Bible through the lens of Love, I am lifted above my pointless grumblings concerning others’ interpretations of this book. I can only choose to change my thinking; not that other guy’s.

I love re-reading books which have shaped me through the years, and hearing things I’d never noticed before. Thanks for reminding us that maturity should carry wisdom by its side. We have a choice in this, too! We can stop hiding behind justifications for prejudice.

The Bible, in any of its interpretations, in the book of Exodus attempts to set forth rules to prevent us from unseemly behavior. But once Jesus comes on the scene, we are given a simple rule: Love. Thanks for putting this into perspective, Pastor Blake!

Marsha Havens


  1. Unfortunately today is May 13th. I hope you read this comment.
    If you do not talk directly to me about your desires and hatreds I cannot assume I know what you are talking about. All I know is culturally ambiguous people like myself are hated by many. And We won’t allow anyone to listen hole us as one and only one culture. Actually we have always been what you desire now Anonnymity. Pressing emotional buttons is for passive aggressive cowards and making comments that if I ask for clarity you will deny doesn’t help your cause either.
    I am not afraid of your race hatred or political hatred or your idea of Eureka Springs Specialness and only a certain few can be accepted here into the business fold. I am not afraid you will say anything to try to make me lose my temper and behave unseemingly just to prove to yourself I must be black. Who invented that caricature of a human being? Not I. I am a human being with as much right as you to make choices for and by myself. If you do not have the courage to be forthright you are a coward.
    If I don’t agree with your politics I am determined to live free among you human beings and not as a characature of a slave. If you believe the One World government is better than individualism I am sad for you. I believe that government will take all your human personality and bring it down to common denominator: you breath. Lets not waste time with your inane provocations because I and all my kind who have had their lives stolen from them because of racism stand fast in front of you and say We Here and We will be Seen as we want to be seen. You will not choose for us anymore.

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