All people must be loved



Thank you Becky Gillette and ES Independent for taking interest in a religious conversation. I am not a Methodist, but I grieve with the entire body of Christ as our brothers discern their path of faith and practice. I have several Methodist pastor friends on both sides of this issue, and I know the pain this controversy has caused them all.

I consider Blake Lasater a friend and fellow minister. He and I will continue our conversations on theology in private, but in the interest of public education and consideration I submit the following facts:

Two of the seven verses possibly referenced by Blake are 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 1 Timothy 1:10. The word being translated is “arsenokoites.” “Arsen” is the word for “male” or “man.” “Koites” is the word for bed, and often connotes the marriage bed and intercourse.

Arsenokoites is literally translated one who beds a man. The Bible is not unclear, but makes a direct cultural reference to a homosexual act. Further, to infer that the first century writers didn’t know about homosexuality is historically inaccurate. Finally, Jesus never said anything about people being born gay. Eunuchs aren’t gay (Mt. 19:12).

All people must be loved and respected. These questions are Biblical, not social, and truth remains.

Mark Golaway