Airport on top of roof repairs


The Carroll County Airport Commission met last week and looked at some needed repairs to various airport facilities.

Mowing season has arrived, and Airport Manager Mark Pepple asked commissioners how many hours they have budgeted for a part-time worker to help keep up with the growing grass.

Pepple also called attention to the tee-hangar, which has peeling paint and a leaky roof. Commissioners have looked at replacing the structure, but the building needs some immediate help. Pepple said he could roll a sealant onto the roof, and that cost would be much lower than a new roof. Those familiar with the structure said some structural repairs would be needed before someone could safely work on the roof. The trusses are sound, but the purlins have decayed and the fasteners holding down the roof are not secure.

Commissioners asked Pepple to seek bids to have the structural issues repaired. A grant may be available to pay for the project. The commissioners would like to keep a tee-hangar, which is more affordable than an enclosed hangar.

Pepple also reported that a transformer problem in the guide beacon had been repaired. He said fuel prices are rising, but the rates at the airport will remain lower than others in the region.

In other business:

  • A Fly-In was planned for breakfast on the Saturday following this meeting. With the weather expected to cooperate, volunteers were solicited to help with the event.
  • Students from the county’s three schools came together at the airport on May 9 to investigate possible careers in aviation. With 82 students attending, the event was considered a great success. Interviews by the radio station were played for several days thereafter. The superintendents and high school principals from Eureka Springs and Berryville attended.
  • The commissioners have been quick to praise Pepple’s efforts, and he was awarded a 12 percent raise, with another assessment scheduled for the end of the year.