Airport hires new manager


The Carroll County Airport Commission hired a new airport manager last week, after the resignation of Michael Pfeifer. The commissioners went into executive session during the April 15 meeting, but did not disclose their selection until they notify the successful candidate and the other applicants.

At his last meeting, Pfeifer delivered his manager’s report. The Fly-in on March 19 had 10 planes arriving, and the breakfast Fly-in scheduled for April 16 was expected to have a large turnout. A group of 10 to 15 planes was anticipated, along with the usual visitors.

A 4-H group from Berryville toured the airport March 23. Their visit included a session on the REDBIRD flight simulator. The group included 20 kids and four adults.

Pfeifer said three hangar leases have been vacated, and the next names on the waiting list were contacted. That waiting list still has more than 30 people waiting for space.

Bill Gates has begun mowing at the airport, and the commissioners agreed to give Gates a two-dollar raise based upon Pfeifer’s assessment of Gates as a “hard worker,” who “makes the place look good.”

Consulting Engineer Dan Clinton said an already-approved project to seal all the apron areas will begin soon. The material has strict temperature requirements for application, and warm weather ran out last year before the contractors could complete the job. The airport is looking at land acquisition for expansion, but Clinton again cautioned the commissioners against making any efforts to contact property owners. The airport has hired a land acquisition company to handle that process, and Clinton said that company has the expertise to comply with state and federal regulations.