Adopting horses



I just got a call from some loving people in South Dakota. Evidently, our compassionate federal government let 800+ horses starve and were going to shoot them all when this group got together, got a legal injunction, fed the horses and now are trying to find people who will adopt them.

I put my name in last year hoping I could manage to adopt an old mare, much like me! But we simply do not have the space or funds.

A kind Arkansas human can adopt a horse: mare with colt, mare with yearling, mare, an old mare, a gelding, a stallion. There is no adoption fee; just paying for the transport to Arkansas. Each carrier has a different fee schedule, so I cannot yet say how much it would cost to rescue one of nature’s beauties.

I am in contact with the South Dakota group, so if you are interested, please email: and I will get you connected.

Just a short editorial: with all the suffering caused by He Who Shall Remain Nameless and His lackeys against all of us humans, why are the federales so invested in shooting horses?

T.A. Laughlin