Recent news states that the USA would like to absorb Canada as the 51st state.
Last year’s poll of the ten best cities in the world to live in had 3 of the 10 in Canada. Four years ago, they had four of them.
The USA, which has 10 times Canada’s population, had none and has never had one on that list.
Why would Canada wish to join?
Folks I’ve talked to in Canada are thinking of asking California to join Canada as the 11th province. They would like Gavin Newsom as their prime minister and Ottawa (a beautiful city of parks and rivers, not a city of ghettos and crooked, bickering politicians) as their capital.
The new Canada would have the fourth largest GDP in the world and the USA would drop to #3 behind China and India. California would get healthcare for everyone, plus access to Canada’s resources.
People I’ve talked to in Canada say Canada is ready to put a 25% surcharge on oil coming to the USA, plus electricity that feeds our grid with 10% of the power used.
This will give us $5/gallon gas and blackouts on the grid.
The auto industry will be shut down in two weeks or less. There goes inflation, plus the stock market will drop $1 trillion this week. There goes your 401K.
David Marry, a former Canadian