Abuse of power is the issue



I recognize many locals hope for Trump’s impeachment, however the extremely serious issues we face – culturally and nationally – will not be solved if impeachment becomes legally necessary. The greater issue is the abuse of constitutional power by GOP leadership and criminal violations of 18 USC 205, illegal service to 3rd party NGOs, lobbyists and [the] GOP when exercising Congressional authority.

I am filing a criminal complaint and Senate Ethics Complaint against Senator McConnell; direct service to the NRA that decided Obama’s SCOTUS nominee [Merrick] Garland was unsuitable – which he cited as the reason he refused to “allow” a Senate Judiciary Hearing and full Senate vote. Fox News (August 23) featured Harvard University Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, who affirmed McConnell “illegally and improperly withheld a vote.”

McConnell’s long-standing pattern of abuse – Constitutionally impermissible – of agenda sessions, hearings, bill committees, debates and votes, is replicated by his tactic to limit the time available for review of Kavanaugh’s conduct as legal counsel  under Bush. The covert US warrantless spy program, secret rendition and torture programs were later determined to be illegal.

Laura L. Coker