A playbook is a plan



I know the past is the past and we all need to move forward and I will after I write this letter.

The virus we are now not able to control has been known about for many years. It is said that a pandemic was on of President Obama’s greatest worries.

The virus did not just spring up on us unawares. A plain black & white playbook was written called something like “How to react swiftly if a contagious disease should appear among us.” It was a bipartisan effort produced by Bush, Obama, and very concerned Republicans and Democrats. It is online and the coronavirus is actually named on page 9. The virus was unknown to most but known to our leaders and others – hence the playbook.

When Trump took office, he dismantled everything put in place by the playbook saying it was a hoax by the Democrats. Lately it seems he has written a new bigger and better playbook. Friday, we saw the new press secretary toss the old black & white and then wave in front of the cameras one glossy playbook in her right hand and one glossy playbook in her left hand.

Two is better than one it seems. Glossy is better than black & white. Nonetheless, I’ll take one of the latter, thank you.
