A feeling of the Fourth in 1776



I surely don’t claim to be an ace #1 psychic, but I always look for the silver lining and believe in the ancient time tested law of karma. I am anxiously awaiting the results of the Mueller report. My gut feeling and hope is that when all is said and done the final investigation will have uncovered something so sinister, illegal and treasonous that even the hard core members of the Republican Party will bend to the will of truth and rightness for the sake and survival of the nation. 

Like Nixon in the Watergate era, there will be calls for resignations and impeachment when the details come to light. Don’t expect Trump to go with grace. He will probably need to be dragged kicking, screaming and lying all the way to the helicopter that will carry him and Melania away from the White House lawn for good.

That leaves us with Pence and a lot of angry Trumpsters in a Civil War-like atmosphere that threatens our democracy and freedoms. It might be almost as gloomy and hopeless as Trump’s regime. But there is a wildcard escape and it may come to pass even easier than hitting a hefty Arkansas lottery at a quick check in Eureka Springs.

Pence has been no angel all along in this ordeal, and from the start he has been investigated up and down. He knows of all the bodies, conversations and crookedness hatched in Trump Tower and may also, like former Vice President Spiro Agnew, be dead meat and forced to resign as his lies and criminalities are exposed.

Sure, this is wishful thinking but I feel it is not that far-fetched given the news trickling out daily.

Finally, with the Democrats taking the House, the Speaker most likely will be Nancy Pelosi who will be third in line to the Presidency. After Trump and Pence are tossed out, she will take over the reins and be the first woman President in the “year of the woman.” Karma will come full circle. Many Trump supporters will throw hissy fits but that is what politics has always been about, and today it is uglier than ever.

Perhaps with President Pelosi at the helm this country can get back to being a beacon of light to the world and its own people. It might even feel like July 4, 1776 in the streets with fireworks and feelings of freedom from tyrants and those who try to deny people their natural given rights.

Jack Albert