A Cup of Thanks



We are rejoicing in the Lord, happy to share this great news with all of you! May 1 we signed the papers and gave the complete down payment of $50,000. Yippie!

There are so many to thank for this, I hope I am listing them all, if I missed any know that we love you and thank you. Beginning with all those who want to remain anonymous, thank you! All the churches in our community and surrounding areas: Holiday Island Community Church, United Methodist Church, Shiloh United Methodist Church, Holiday Island Presbyterian Church, South Green Forest Union Church, Soul Purpose, Viola Baptist Church, North Ark Baptist association, Faith Family Christian Church, St. James Episcopal Church, Full Faith Fellowship, Flint Street Fellowship. Thank you!

To all the groups and clubs, Eureka Springs Hospital Guild, American Legion Unites #36 and Post #009, BPOE Lodge #1042, Carroll County EHC Country Chicks, Basin Spring Lodge #386, Eureka Springs Rotary, Silver Tea, Crescent Hotel & Spa, Basin Park Hotel, United Methodist Women, Women for Christ, Eureka Springs Fire Dept., Cat House, Booze Brothers, K-Way Auto, Arkansas Community Foundation. Thank you!

Loyal volunteers who do an amazing job daily. You all have made this happen and we know you will continue to love, pray and support this ministry.

We have an amazing couple pledging $1000 a month, half of the monthly payment for this year, and they are asking if anyone would like to match their pledge. Our payments are $2000 a month now, it was $850 a month.

If you would like to make a pledge or donation please call (479) 363-4529 or send to 4032 E. Van Buren, Eureka Springs, AR 72632.

Pattie and Chuck Jarrett