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Tree removal permits dominate Planning
A series of tree-cut applications took up almost half of a lengthy meeting of the Planning Commission on March 11.
Sitting as the Board of...
Berry overrides council decision
Mayor Butch Berry sent notifications to Eureka Springs City Council on March 13 that he vetoed a unanimous vote by council that, “The City...
Indivisible urges participation
Members of the local Indivisible Group are taking action every day to protest illegal and unconstitutional actions of Donald Trump and billionaire adviser, Elon...
Another ESH employee lodges complaints
While working at the Eureka Springs Hospital, I noticed that we were billing for breathing treatments and other respiratory services that can only be...
Council concentrates on hospital, a CUP, and confetti
Eureka Springs City Council meeting on Monday, March 10, was full of ebbs and flows, but certainly a stone or two was dislodged and...
Council gives Hospital an ultimatum
Eureka Springs City Council voted unanimously Monday evening to give the Eureka Springs Hospital Commission two weeks to remove hospital interim CEO and HR...
Job can wait, fun won’t
Memorial Day is just around the corner, and you can bet that everyone is excited for the three day weekend. Friday night at Chelsea’s...
Head spinning like the celestial bodies above
So much going on this weekend from Diversity Weekend, Ozark Mountain Soul, and the Eclipse, here’s a quick rundown of what we got. Starting...
And thanks for printing this after deadline
I was arrested on Thursday, March 14 by the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office.
I would like to thank several people who work at the jail
American Insights
Words Worth Remembering: Frederick Douglass’s Rebuke
“The fact is, ladies and gentlemen, the distance between this platform and the slave plantation, from which I escaped,...
American Insights
Marching On
Before they marched, they kneeled and prayed at Browns Chapel Methodist. “And then we set out, nearly six hundred of us,” John Lewis...
What’s wrong with what’s right?
Just read in our paper that Mike Welch cannot serve on our city council because of a 50-year-old conviction for pot.
Come on, Eureka council,...
American Insights
Words Worth Remembering: Frederick Douglass’s Rebuke
“The fact is, ladies and gentlemen, the distance between this platform and the slave plantation, from which I escaped,...
It’s been some years since I’d seen my brother, Mike, and he blew into town recently for a 3-night visit. We spent most of...
The Coffee Table
My Economics Lesson
A few weeks back I left my sunglasses in Fayetteville—at my son’s house. I knew I’d get them back eventually, but in the...
Land In Our Hands
Parallel lives colliding on White Street
Mary Springer came to Eureka Springs more than 40 years ago to start an art school. That school is...
The Dirt on Nicky
Alphabet soup
I came across a photo from the early days of my garden and was pleased to see how healthy the chard plants were,...