Will the town open up soon?


Eureka’s tourism-based economy has taken a huge hit with the coronavirus closures due to efforts to stem the spread of the virus. Restaurants have been open only for takeout, most shops have closed, and the hotels that are some of the biggest private employers in the town have been closed.

But could all that change starting May 4? Could a ghost town turn into a thriving Ozark vacation spot again?

Gov. Asa Hutchinson will be issuing statements this week on when various businesses will be allowed to open again. He said if the number of Covid-19 cases continue to decrease, businesses could start re-opening May 4.

“As a governmental entity, we are only allowed to do what the governor has given as directives, in both civic and public, to do,” Mayor Butch Berry said. “Until we get directions from the governor, we cannot say which business will be likely to open first.”

Berry said his main concern is for the health, safety and welfare of our citizens.

“I want to make sure that all our citizens are safe,” Berry said. “In Eureka Springs with the Covid-19 virus we discovered that public health and the economy are intertwined, and I feel the best solutions support both.”

Updates to the situation in Eureka can be found on the mayor’s Covid-19 update page at facebook.com/EurekaSpringsGovernment.

The governor has pledged to announce openings for various business sectors on the following dates: April 29, restaurants; April 30, gyms; May 1, beauty and barber salons; and May 4, places of worship and larger venues, including sports events.

Reopening plans across the country have been controversial as there is concern that it could lead to a major increase in the spread of the virus, possibly leading to a second wave of infections. On the flip side is finding an end to the worst economic downturn in U.S. history since the Great Depression.

Although many residents have received $1,200 stimulus checks and/or regular unemployment plus $600 a week, the longer the shutdowns continue, the more economic harm will result.

There is also the question of how many tourists will come? Some people are likely to stay largely quarantined at home. Often people make vacation plans months in advance, so that could also be a factor.

The potential for reopening comes as two additional cases of Covid-19 have been reported in Carroll County, for a total of four.

Carroll County Judge Sam Barr said the first case in the county had to be reported to him as the county judge. But, after that, the information is only reported to the Office of Emergency Management, 911 and first responders.

“No one knows exactly where these people live except 911 can report to first responders if someone living at that address has it,” Barr said. “I didn’t make those rules. They are designed to protect medical privacy.”

Arkansas had 3,017 cases with 50 deaths as of April 27. Carroll County has 188 tests with four positives, two posted in the past week.

Barr encouraged people to wear masks in public and practice social distancing.

“Let’s make this work so we can get back to normal,” Barr said.


  1. Slow down, Eureka! A lot of us are barely getting by, but this community has once again reached out to help those in need. However, those of you who have decided to re-open your downtown shops are SELFISH with absolutely no concern for the older and therefore high-risk Eurekans- of which this town happens to have a lot of! I try to only venture out only when I need to get groceries. So when your out-of-town patrons decide they need to go to Hart’s, they could literally be the cause of death for me!!! Gives new meaning to the phrase: ” Your money- or your LIFE.” C.E.Walter

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