Rewilding – the natural way


A better world for wildlife is a better world for people

Natural climate solutions are based on a deep understanding of the forests, wetlands, and oceans as living systems sharing energy and nutrients. Everything is connected to everything else.

Stopping greenhouse gas emissions by ending the extraction, use, and export of fossil fuels is essential, but not enough to avoid global warming beyond 1.5°C.

George Monbiot says we can build a better future by protecting and restoring natural ecosystems. Monbiot is a leading activist, ecologist, and a great writer with a passion for life. He says we need to protect all species, restore the natural world that we have wrecked, and fund natural solutions.

Restoring forests, marshes, peatlands, kelp, and other ecosystems has a massive potential to drawback the carbon dioxide we’ve spewed into the atmosphere. Restoring Nature will minimize extinction and ecological collapse and create a better world for us to enjoy.

No More Fracking

There is a glut of oil and gas and fracking has been shown to pollute air and water, increasing pipeline spills, earthquakes, and wastewater pollution. Fracking relies on massive federal subsidies. Fracking has never made a profit, while the loses and environmental damages keep growing.

The Alaska Tongass National Rain Forest is in danger, the Trump administration wants to allow fracking and mining. Last Friday, the Bureau of Land Management made 725,000 acres in California’s central coast open to oil and gas lease sales.

Fracking in the Permian Basin has dropped 19 percent in 2019, and frackers are burning gas and paying to have it hauled away. A 2018 report by geophysicists at Southern Methodist University says a 4,000-square-mile West Texas area is unstable. In 2019 the sinkholes keep growing.

Last week Delek Oil was ordered to pay for the 2013 oil spill at Magnolia, Ark., larger than the 2013 ExxonMobil Mayflower, Ark., spill. This is a major environmental violation due to Delek’s management. When a 1940’s pump failed due to corrosion and lack of inspection, the spill went undetected for 13 hours, polluting the Ouachita River!

Restore nature

We need to look at nature with new eyes and protect our environment. Let’s keep our forests, rivers, peace, and health. Clean air, water, and food are at high risk. Let’s clean up our mess and restore the balance of nature. Every species has a role and we have the tools to restore forests and nature.

Fund climate solutions

Defund the fossil fuel industries. Invest in the restoration of nature to create millions of quality jobs. Nature endowments fund 1,000- year projects.

Rise up

We can’t wait for an impeachment process or the 2021 Arkansas Legislature. Greta Thunberg, the Extinction Rebellion, Sunrise Movement, the Franciscan Action Network, and other amazing people have shown the power of nonviolent action.

Environmental organizations are taking direct action to protect nature, now. Here are some of the top groups. Please visit their sites.

The Southern Environmental Law Center protects the forests, wetlands and all issues impacting the climate. They say, “punitive and discriminatory monthly fees are one of the greatest barriers to rooftop solar.” Arkansas is not included, yet. The Law Center would appeal the punitive fees on electric vehicles in Arkansas for road repairs. One 40-ton truck creates road damage equivalent to 10,000 cars with an average weight of 4,000-lbs.

Natural Climate Solutions says, “we are calling on the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, governments and Non-governmental organizations to put Natural Climate Solutions at the heart of their policies.”

The Center for Biological Diversity says, “the welfare of human beings is deeply linked to nature, to a vast diversity of wild animals and plants. We work to secure a future for all species, through science, law, and creative media. We protect the lands, waters, and climate all species need to survive.”

The Environmental Paper Network says, “We share a common vision of a forest, pulp and paper industry that contributes to a healthy, just, and sustainable future for all life on earth,”

Rewilding our world will protect our future.


  1. Man-made climate solutions, known as geo-engineering, are unrealistic, unproven technology based ideas. Geo-enginiring is not based on ecology is mostly science fiction used to delay action, waiting for the magic way.

    Rewilding nature can save us from climate breakdown

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