Looking for a lousy job?


In Arkansas, you have the “right to work”

You may think you have the right to have a safe, quality job in Arkansas but you don’t. The “Right to Work” allows companies to hire non-union employees and set work rules as they please. To avoid work-related lawsuits and paying workers’ compensation, international corporations use third-party companies to provide the workforce.

The right to kill

In a 2016 interview, Ken Rainey said, “Nobody can understand what this is like… the pain — the feeling that you don’t have a leg, but it feels like you have a foot down there.” Rainey, a tree trimmer, was hired by Elite Temp Services to work the graveyard shift at the Little Rock Welspun oil pipe mill. After three nights on the job, without training or supervision, a 50-ft. steel pipe took his left leg and right foot. Rainey was never compensated for his injury; he was out of luck because he was a temp worker and not an employee. Welspun had protection from a tort suit for the wrongful death of Frederick Bogar in 2013. Arkansas Economic Development Commission said they gave incentives to Welspun but AEDC was not liable for his death.

Profits over people

Profit is an accounting concept used to keep track of revenues and expenses. What really matters is the difference between “short-term” and “long-term” profits. Short-term profits are made at the expense of the environment, climate, and people, and they only last a short time. Long-term profits require investments in people and communities, and the benefits last for a long time.

Arkansas governors have four years to create jobs and find money to run for office again. The choices are clear, travel the world selling the Natural State, or fund trade schools and projects for local communities.

Everyone needs money to pay bills, care for their families, and extra cash for emergencies. Having several skills and learning to share and trade are good traits. Create a job that you are passionate about and that helps others.

COVID life

Some people, germophobes and hermits, lucky to have a loving family and pets, have enjoyed the last 12 months. During the pandemic, clean surfaces and touchless services are required. Bowing is better than shaking hands. New products and services are waiting to be created to survive the pandemic. We are using tools to stay closer but at a distance.

Climate emergencies

Weatherization experts, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, cleanup crews, and many other trades available on short notice with supplies to help the community are in high demand.

Our homes were not built for extreme weather. Be prepared, find and fix the weak spots, and prepare a home manual to be ready for an emergency. We need subscription-based community quick response teams on standby for emergencies like the EVAC medical helicopters, as a way to share the costs.

Job creation is a myth

GOP policies and flawed economic thinking give corporations massive incentives and tax advantages, pollution permits, and anything they want in exchange for lousy jobs. Arkansas is not alone – Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana and other poorer states invest in companies from India, China, Canada, and anyone else looking for permits to pollute and cheap non-union labor.

President Biden said last week, “Every worker should have a free and fair choice to join a union.” Unions have safety experts and conduct safety inspections. Arkansas’ “Right to work” is really a “Right to Die” and must stop.

Fossil fuel ecocide

The UK Drax group, with $6 trillion in yearly revenues, promises Arkansas jobs to get permits to pollute.

In 2007, Little Rock welcomed Welspun with fireworks, hoping for 300 new jobs. Welspun got millions of dollars from the Arkansas Economic Development Commission as incentives, advertised on their website.

On his first day in office, President Biden canceled the XL pipeline extension construction permit. Welspun is now asking for compensation from Arkansas due to the lost income from the XL pipeline extension cancellation. To continue exporting fossil fuels, the Arkansas GOP is protecting the pipeline industry with our taxes, health and lives.


  1. President Biden canceled approval of the Keystone extension pipeline

    Welspun Tubular has been making pipe in anticipation of getting the sales.

    The Arkansas Times says,

    “Arkansas politicians from Leslie Rutledge, to Tim Griffin to French Hill to Tom Cotton to David Ray try to make Welspun the poster child for Biden’s supposed ruination of jobs in Arkansas. Will the Arkansas Supreme Court continue secrecy for Welspun?”


  2. Why would all Southern states be “open for business” giving similar incentives

    A conference call with the State Governors would eliminate unnecessary corporate welfare.

    Gov. Hutchinson, do you want to make the call?

    > Arkansas is open for business

    “As a business-friendly state, Arkansas offers a range of competitive incentives for businesses looking to open, expand or relocate. From cash rebates to community grants, Arkansas business incentives encourage job creation and investment.”


    > Mississippi is open for business

    “Mississippi offers businesses locating or expanding in the state a number of tax incentives, including state income tax credits and sales, use and property tax exemptions.”


    > Alabama is open for business

    Alabama offers a variety of tax incentives that are attractive to new and existing businesses looking to expand their operations within the state. Below are the major tax incentives available for Alabama’s businesses.


    > Missouri is open for business

    The Missouri Works Program provides significant benefits for new and existing companies that are creating and retaining jobs in Missouri. Benefits may be the retention of State withholding tax and/or State tax credits, if the benefit percentage is greater than the amount of withholdings that otherwise would have been remitted to the State for the new job creation.


  3. Corporations in the Southeast have a history of racism and abuse.

    Minorities have suffered decades without labor protection laws, one of the causes of the violence and overt racism destroying the American myth the last five years

    The Encyclopedia of Arkansas uses racist language – common in the South in the old days.

    You may want to skip this reference to The Right to Work, where the “Christian American Association” and the “Arkansas Farm BureauFederation” lobbied the Arkansas General Assembly in 1944.

    in 2021, the Right to Work is the Arkansas law – for nearly a century. What are you going to do?


  4. Temp employees worked to death with no consequences

    Nov 11, 2016 – Welspun Tubular, a major Little Rock, AR, industrial company that’s received millions of dollars in incentives from the state also has a history of injuries in its facilities.

    Former workers say the company has maimed and killed people with little accountability to prevent it from happening again, thanks to a “dual employment doctrine” that leaves temporary workers at risk.

    “I pay the costs to make my family smile and make them happy. I pay the cost every day,” Kenneth Rainey said, without much of a smile. Rainey lost a leg and a foot in 2014.


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