If you want to vote, watch your mail


The Carroll County Clerk’s office, in compliance with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, will be mailing postcard notifications to 4,339 registered voters in our county. These notifications include 3,934 confirmation cards and 405 cancellations cards. The current number of registered voters in our county is 16,757.

If a voter has not voted in the last two Federal General Election cycles, they will receive a cancellation notice. To be eligible to vote again in Carroll County, they will need to fill out a new Voter Registration Application. This form is available at the County Clerk’s Office or the Secretary of State’s website, www.sos.arkansas.gov, download the application and mail it in to the address provided. An individual may also register to vote when they renew or receive an Arkansas Driver’s License.

If the County Clerk’s Office has sent anything to a voter and that mailing was then returned to her office, that voter will be sent a confirmation card to confirm the voter’s residence. Please do not throw these cards away. Fill out the return portion of the confirmation card and mail it back to the County Clerk’s Office.

Under the law (Amend 51, §10, (d)), the County Clerk’s Voter Registration Office is to conduct bi-annual confirmation mailings to those individuals with whom we had no contact during the past two year election cycle and who did not vote in the same two year cycle. This mailing asks that the voter either confirm their current residential address or to update their registration information.