CAPC apprises council of YTD success


Chair Susan Harman reported on 2017 highlights for the City Advertising and Promotion Commission at Monday’s city council meeting:

  • Launched the “Made in Eureka Springs” marketing program in the spring. Locally made food, clothing, art, history, and whatever is promoted on the site is updated weekly.
  • Redesigned the site to include more photos and navigation ease.
  • Expanded the digital marketing reach to cities a ten-hour drive or further, especially those with direct flights to Northwest Arkansas Regional Airport. This method has proved to be an economical yet powerful strategy to market Eureka Springs.
  • Sponsored the new Eureka Springs app produced by Modern Tourism Apps. Anyone with an Apple device can download it free by going to the App Store and searching for Eureka Springs. The app should be ready for Android devices early in 2018.
  • Changed festivals to include more music in Basin Park and not so much focus on trying to fill the Auditorium. Andy Green was hired as events coordinator, and he developed this year’s Basin Park Music Series and Jazz Eureka Weekend, as well as the upcoming Bluegrass and Folk Festivals. Lucinda Williams is headliner for the Folk Festival.
  • Signed a contract with Airbnb to collect the A&P tax from lodging establishments that offer lodging for 30 or more days. This will produce regular additional revenue for the city.
  • Co-sponsored a Hospitality Class with Arkansas Parks & Tourism. More classes are planned.
  • Projected a slight increase in collections for the year but so far collections are flat, which means the city is at the same place it was during a very good year last year.
  • Designing an innovative underwriting program designed to revitalize the Auditorium.
  • Planning the Live after Five program that will promote businesses that stay open after 5 p.m. on the CAPC site and app.